Thursday, April 3, 2014

Windows 8.1 Update 1 Free Download

Windows 8.1 Update 1 Free Download (Click here)
*** This is only torrent ***
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014 to

Despite of being the number one online classified ads website in the Philippines, the management decided to change to domain name. The Admin has confirmed it here.

According to them, the change is to get attention of all Filipinos and to inform that now is the time to make some changes of their own and join the millions of people around the globe like in India, Brazil, and Portugal, which have already used OLX to sell their things. Further, they said that the name OLX aims to inspire Filipinos to re-think what they know about Sulit and what they have to sell online. Stated also in their post is that the name OLX originally came as an abbreviation of Phrase “Online Exchange”.

The interface has no change at all instead of the colors of the tabs and headings.

Visit now!

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

BBM for Android and iOS is Finally Released: Works well with Arc Mobile Nitro 500D

Finally, Blackberry decided to finally relaunch the BBM for Android and iOS.

Below is the Screenshot of BB's website as proof that it has launched the Platform:

Click Picture to Visit the Website
The UI is quite good but nothing seems to be different compared to BBM on BB10 OS.

See screenshots of my hands-on below (Works well with Arc Mobile Nitro 500D):

BBM on Nitro 500D
BBMe: 2A5CB92F

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Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 2: Episode 3 Next Week

Note that you need a Torrent Downloader like Utorrent.

VLC Player is also needed since file extension is MKV.
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Monday, October 14, 2013

Walking Dead Season 4 is Already Out to Torrent: I will Upload Episodes here every Week

Walking Dead Seasons 1, 2, and 3 surely entertained the public when they were aired to TV. Now that Season 4 has already aired, I know everybody is excited episode-by-episode. To start your excitement, I will share to you the Season 4 Episode 1. 

Download Episode 1 here!

Note that you need a Torrent Downloader like Utorrent.
VLC Player is also needed since file extension is MKV.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lapida Making Business: Its Season is yet to Come

It's already half of October and Lapida Making Business surely will be in demand. 

I categorized this article as Personal Blog since this is very related to me. Lapida Making has been our family business since my childhood. I also used to make lapidas during my college days and my father paid me for my effort.

Since this article tackles about our business, obviously, I want to promote it to you.

What do we offer:

  • Marble Lapida
  • Granite Lapida
  • Lapida with laminated picture (cheap but fades in time)
  • Lapida with tile picture (does not fade)
  • Other designs are negotiable
Price ranges from P500.00 to P5,000.00 depending on the Material type and the number of characters be engraved on the Lapida.

Below are the Samples:

How the Lapidas are done?

A combination of Chisel, a small metal (probably the one that would hit the chisel), and a force of the Mang-uukit (Artist). See Illustration below:

He actually is my cousin (Melvin)
You can contact us here: +639997834600 (look for William)

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