Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lapida Making Business: Its Season is yet to Come

It's already half of October and Lapida Making Business surely will be in demand. 

I categorized this article as Personal Blog since this is very related to me. Lapida Making has been our family business since my childhood. I also used to make lapidas during my college days and my father paid me for my effort.

Since this article tackles about our business, obviously, I want to promote it to you.

What do we offer:

  • Marble Lapida
  • Granite Lapida
  • Lapida with laminated picture (cheap but fades in time)
  • Lapida with tile picture (does not fade)
  • Other designs are negotiable
Price ranges from P500.00 to P5,000.00 depending on the Material type and the number of characters be engraved on the Lapida.

Below are the Samples:

How the Lapidas are done?

A combination of Chisel, a small metal (probably the one that would hit the chisel), and a force of the Mang-uukit (Artist). See Illustration below:

He actually is my cousin (Melvin)
You can contact us here: +639997834600 (look for William)

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